
Dec 16 - Fri. "Solo Mover"

DECK - eying the long 85-86 some support levels. 88-90 target on the long off of dips or washes.

ITMN - eying longs off dips, stock is crazy, so stick to your stops and dont get caught ina bad play because you didn't. 10 will be support.

INTC - I like this one long, down, down, down, sideways today so I'm thinking some perks tomorrow and into next week we see 24-25.

FDS - over 88.5 and we got a runner. Long with a stop at 86 or lil lower.

MAKO - back on long watch, this 25 area is interesting, prolly grab subs and see if we can get a reverse in trends.

BBY - ready yet, might have found bottom, this 23 spot has support and a higher low with sideways pa, eying the long.

ATHN - I was gone today so I missed this one, but I'll be watching for moves tomorrow, no bias yet, maybe short an early pop.

ADBE - buyers should target 27 area as entry for long. could run to 30 area possibly, resistance is
RIMM - beating Q3 expectations and setting its Q4 view below estimates, down ah's at 14 support, I feel
like bigs are loading up to drop a pr and pop this stock and squeeze the massive amount of shorts that are in there. Shorts may want to eye possible entry points between 14.60 and 14.00, an area that formed as a top through much of Thursday's after-hours trade.