
Oct 16 - Tues. "Stock-n-Roll"

CYCC - had momentum early on. Not much overhead, big pullback, prolly see if it flattens out and maybe red to green push and get back going. Study showed patients survival rate doubled, fwiw. 6.25 has some support.

JRCC - Looks like it caught a big short position in this uptrend rip. Will be eying the short on this one still, no news I don't think. Other coals most likely won't follow so this is clear overextention. 4.8 was the mark late in the day.
LPH - better to wait on this one, pullback, consolidation, perk = long. This breakout at 1.75 area is big on the 2 year chart.

DVAX - I think early november is FDA catalyst. Closed on highs, 5.1 is big breakout, should set new 52's. This is just a grinder higher, swing long. Probaly gaps up, I'd buy it early weakness or any consolidation.

CLWR - off top I think this Sprint connetction with this Softbank, I know its 8 bil, influx is a sign of weakness, many don't think so, but why they need money if they doing so well. I think softbank damn near owns Sprint know, and for them to say Clearwire is a guaranteed buy now is stupid. Will take forever if it does happen. I could be wrong, so take this with a grain of salt, but I'm looking for the paras to short.
AFFY - its a short off any strong moves up, for trades, could be a good cash cow.